It has come after the CEO of LSK sent a letter to the society members via email informing them of the vacancies that need to be filled out.
Wambui, who is a qualified lawyer and a member of LSK, aspired to contest for the said post, where his nominees were Mr Justus M. Munyithya and Mr Dr. Duncan M. Okubusu.
Wambui received an email from the secretary of the LSK electoral board, Dr. Owiso Owiso, on January 18, 2024, informing him that he was not validly nominated as a Nairobi representative.
Dr. Owiso indicated that the nomination was invalidated based on the fact that “Mr. Munyithya Justus Maithya is not qualified to nominate Wambui as he allegedly ordinarily practices law in Mombasa and he is not eligible to be elected to the position of Nairobi representative as per the LSK constitution.
According to LSK electoral conduct, a nomination must be signed by the candidate or nominee and two nominators who must be members of the society and entitled to vote at the election.
Due to the conduct, Wambui says it is apparent that Wambui is obliged to be nominated by two nominators who are members of the society and entitled to vote in the elections.
Mr Munyithya, one of his nominators, is a full-time lecturer in the Kenya School of Law, and also, because he has an active practice at Agip house in Nairobi, has decided to change his polling station from Mombasa to Nairobi Milimani or Supreme court based on the reasons and is allowed.
Wambui says that the election board relies on the LSK General Regulations 2020 and the LSK Electoral Code of Conduct revised 2019 in appropriate cases for the effective electoral process.
He is now exploring the election board to avoid cherry-picking when it comes to the application of the two documents governing the 2024 elections when it is clear that there is a conflict between the two governing documents.
In his letter to the board, Wambui says any conflict between the two governing documents must be interpreted in his favor and allow him to contest for the position of Nairobi representative.
The matter will be heard tomorrow by the board via oral submissions.